Wednesday, April 20

Christian Women...a call to openness

I have a personal journey, we all do.  There are stories about my life that are nice and fun and silly and romantic. And then there are stories that aren't so nice, things that aren't fun, and others that are down right uncomfortable both for me to share and for others to hear.  What to do with these stories?  The ones we try so hard to make sure no one else sees.  This video touched me and I hope that you can find some level of yourself in her words (I found this video in this post on Rachel's blog, check it out for more inspiration on goals).

So how do we deal with this?  What do we share?  What is too personal to share in public or even with close friends?  These are questions I struggle with constantly.  I like to share some of my stories.  I like to think that what I went through means maybe someone else won't have to or will find comfort in the fact that they aren't alone.  I have met (in the last two years) two women who I was able to speak candidly with about one story.  Two women who, to my great shock, were both indirectly dealing with the same issue.  I would like to believe that I opened doors between them and myself that can create great and lasting bonds and friendships.  I hope that they can see that there is success/merit/value/hope in the situation of someone else going through the same struggle.

Do you have a story like this?  Do you struggle with wanting to seem "perfect" to those around you?

I have found that Christian's seem the worst at this!  I had many friends in high school whose entire goal in life was to see who had it worst!  Whose day was worse...whose parents were the worst...who had it so bad that no one could possibly feel anything but pity for their situation.  What time I wasted in those feelings!  On the other hand...I know that I've been guilty of going to church and trying to seem like everything is completely normal/together/fine when I feel like my whole world is crashing down.  We all struggle with things--small and large--and you would think that your church family would be the ones most likely to be compassionate.  Of course we all know the reality is that they are people just like anyone else.  People who can be judgmental, back-biting, ugly, and mean.  But do we give them the benefit of the doubt?  Do we give  people a chance to show their Christian compassion?  A chance to show us Christ-like love?  Or do we stay quiet, wishing someone would ask just the right question or make the right statement to let us know that they will be understanding.

I'm going to try something new here.  I'm going to share with the world something that I struggle with daily.  It may not be a big deal to you, though it is to me, but I hope that it will inspire others out there to share more of themselves and for a way for us to step up as Christians and be loving and kind to one offer support...and maybe we might even realize that we are nowhere near alone in our struggles.  I want this to be important, not just something I throw out, so please come back on Friday when I plan on sharing my story.  It won't be anything earth shattering like a drug addiction, affair, or anything else you might think of when you hear the word 'confession'.  But I hope that it will inspire!

Therefore, confess your sings to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.
James 5:16

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