Wednesday, April 27

Cleaning House

So the post where I bear my soul that was due last Friday?  Life snuck up on me in the form of fussy kiddos, ER trips, and other issues at home.  But I am going to post it this Friday.

I also have a post in the works on our family blog about our first week gluten free and I'll post a link to that over here as well when it's up...the changes have been surprising!

Today, however, I want to blog about a subject that I don't have much experience  I know how to clean and the reasons to do it, but I'm awful at actually doing it and doing it correctly (if there is such a thing).  I have this grand idea in my head that the entire house should be scoured from top to bottom every day and when that doesn't happen--and let's be doesn't with 2 under 2 in the house--I get very distracted and discouraged.  Combating my ADD also proves difficult in this are and I tend to jump from one thing to another never quite completing anything.  This is frustrating for me and my husband is not a super fan of half finished projects....sooooo.  Anyway, this book was just released called 31 Days to Clean – Having a Martha House the Mary Way and i'm so excited to read it!  I have been waiting for the money to buy it, but today if you blog or tweet about it, you can actually get the ebook for free!!!!  I love free stuff :)

Anyway, if you're interested...head here to check it out and get your own copy!

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