Thursday, April 28

Gluten Free...Week 2

I know I'm a little behind on getting this posted, but life has sprung up in weird ways this week.  Anyway, week one of our gluten free diet went great!  I cooked more last week than I think I ever have in my life.  Almost everything has been made from scratch and it was all pretty wonderful!  Even the things that seemed like flops turned out to be pretty tasty and I'm learning a lot in the process (like my Crockpot gets super hot and doesn't need nearly the whole time to cook chicken...unless of course you want it to be SUPER dry).  So we're heading into week two--though I'm almost positive at this point that we'll be continuing this diet for the long term because of how well Carter's doing.

Anyway, here's the plan for this week.

Mini Crustless Breakfast Quiche
Coconut Flour Muffins with Chocolate Chips/Walnuts
Peanut Butter Oatmeal
Scrambled Eggs with Bacon

sandwiches; steamed veggies
chicken nuggets; fruit

Lemon Chicken; Salad; Brown Rice
Tortilla Soup
Cheesburgers; Oven Fries
Easy Cheeseburger Pie; Salad
Tandoori Chicken with Rice; Salad
Boston Chicken; Quinoa Pilaf
Cheesy Beef and Rice

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